Free Tarot & Oracle

Which type of free tarot or oracle reading calls you today?

Welcome to the free tarot and oracle section of Sigil Art & Magick®.

Above are links to Timeless Pick-a-Card draws or to the Card of the Day. 

Both types of readings may have dates attached to them, but know that whichever free tarot or oracle reading you are drawn to, it is the right one for you right now. Time is not linear in the spiritual realm, so you don't have to pick this week's cards for them to be relevant now. Follow your intuition.

Weekly Pick-a-Card Instructions: If you choose a weekly Pick-a-Card draw, you will first see an image with the backs of the cards at the top of the page. Close your eyes (obviously don't be driving while you do this), take a deep breath and focus on a situation in your life that you would like some insight into. If you don't have anything specific in mind, you can simply say (or think to yourself): "What do I need to see right now that I am not currently seeing?"

Then open your eyes and look at the image of the backs of the cards and choose either one, two, or all three cards - whatever calls to you. Once you've done that, scroll down that page to see the reveal and the card meanings.

Card of the Day Instructions: For this section, there will be a random card and its interpretation when you first visit the page. You can simply look at today's energy, or you can scroll through the previous hand drawn cards and pick one that feels right for you at this moment. 

All interpretations are going to include some or all of the deck's card meanings from the book that came with it. This is done because I will have no way of knowing what question you've asked and I have found that a straight meaning from the deck's book is the most accurate in those cases. I also use many different Oracle decks in addition to Tarot and in those cases it only makes sense to use the meanings that come with the deck.

All decks and card meanings are copyrighted by their respective authors and publishers and I'll let you know exactly which deck I've used on any given reading including a link to buy it from Amazon yourself if it's available.

I hope you find insight and empowerment from these readings. I'm honored to share them with you.

Blessed Be and Namaste,

This website and its entire contents are not meant to be used as a substitute for professional medical, financial, or legal advice. If you have a medical, financial, or legal problem, please seek out the appropriate professional to help you.

Obligatory Statement: 'For entertainment purposes only.'

Links to products on Amazon and other sites may allow me to earn a small commission on purchases that you make after clicking on them. This in no way changes the price of the products that you buy, but it is a great way to throw a bit of change into my tip jar. Much gratitude to you, and Blessed Be!

Some research for this site was conducted with the assistance of ChatGPT. All information was checked for accuracy by the owner of

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